Sol Below

Sol Below is a community-led outdoor warming shelter aimed at providing assistance to unhoused residents during the winter. Atlanta relies on non-profits to lead endeavors like this, despite having the money and resources to end houselessness in our city. We were tired of seeing unhoused folks on the street while temperatures dipped below freezing, so we decided to do something about it.

For the past 2 years we have been going out every night the weather dips below 35 degrees from 8 pm-8 am to set up a mobile warming station for people who were unable/unwilling to go to the cities warming shelters. We provide provide temporary relief for the elements, hot food/drinks, winter clothing, sleeping bags, medicine, and other toiletries in pop-up canopies heated by propane heaters to keep us all warm. The pop-up is entirely volunteer run, and we are so grateful for the community we have built that allows us to go out upwards of 60 nights each winter.


Free Store Fridays

